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Book A Rink

*** The green is closed until 1pm each Wednesday ***

You must book a rink at least 1 day in advance for all club and county competition matches.
Scroll through the Rink Bookings list below to find an available Date/Session/Rink, then complete and submit the "Request a Rink" form to request that playing time. 
Booking requests will be accepted up to 6pm each day and responded to by 9pm on the day of submission. 

You can optionally book a rink for a roll-up at least 1 day in advance. However, if you want to have a roll-up and can see an available rink in the list below, you can just go to the club and play but there is no guarantee that a rink will be available when you get there. When matches or Points are booked on the green you must get permission from the match captain or Points organiser before you start to play.

Request a Rink
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