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Lockdown Mixed Triples Competition

(3 woods per player, 90 minutes duration)

Note: In each team, the first named is the Skip, the second named is the No.2, the third named is the Lead.

1st Round - Play by 16th August

A - S.Hughesden/P.Dunn/R.Dadley Vs. R.Baker/C.O'Toole/J.Beamish - Winner: RB/CO'T/JB

B - K.Cheshire/C.Thrower/J.Heyes Vs. J.Bacon/A.Ward/P.Rogers - Winner: KC/CT/JH

C - Bye Vs. M.Fraser/V.Parnell/A.Wild - Winner: MF/VP/AW

D - M.Hiley/T.Tackley/E.Mayers Vs. M.Parnell/R.Spencer/S.Gray - Winner: MH/TT/EM

E - K.Boulter/B.Hughesdon/J.Gregory Vs. T.Wright/N.Monham/A.Mayers - Winner: KB/BH/JG

F - Bye Vs. K.Hawkins/D.Griffin/K.Warner - Winner: KH/DG/KW

G - P.Heyes/F.Cunnington/J.Dieppe Vs. R.Rapley/M.MacKenzie/I.King - Winner: RR/MM/IK

H - J.Peacock/C.Fellowes/R.Edwards Vs. D.Van Beesten/P.Dieppe/L.Dadley - Winner: JP/CF/RE

2nd Round - Play by 4th September

J - R.Baker/C.O'Toole/J.Beamish Vs. K.Cheshire/C.Thrower/J.Heyes - Winner: RB/CO'T/JB

K - *P.Heyes/V.Parnell/A.Wild Vs. M.Hiley/T.Tackley/E.Mayers - Winner: PH/VP/AW

L - K.Boulter/B.Hughesdon/J.Gregory Vs. K.Hawkins/D.Griffin/^S.Gray - Winner: KH/DG/SG

M - R.Rapley/M.MacKenzie/>R.Dadley Vs. J.Peacock/C.Fellowes/R.Edwards - Winner: JP/CF/RE

Semi Final - Play by 18th September

N - R.Baker/C.O'Toole/J.Beamish Vs. *P.Heyes/V.Parnell/A.Wild - Winner: RB/CO'T/JB

P - K.Hawkins/D.Griffin/<S.Eckett Vs. J.Peacock/C.Fellowes/R.Edwards - Winner: JP/CF/RE

Final - 4pm on Sunday 20th September

R.Baker/C.O'Toole/J.Beamish Vs. J.Peacock/C.Fellowes/R.Edwards -

Champions: J.Peacock/C.Fellowes/R.Edwards

* - P.Heyes substitute for injured M.Fraser

^ - S.Gray substitute for injured K.Warner

< - S.Eckett substitute for injured S.Gray

> - R.Dadley substitute for I.King

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